11 research outputs found

    3D Image Processing in System FOTOM NG

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    Import 06/11/2014V mé diplomové práci s názvem 3D zpracování fotografie v rámci systému FOTOM NG, se zabývám implementací nového modulu na platformě NetBeans, který bude připojen do systému FOTOM NG. Tento modul slouží k vytvoření 3D modelu pozorovaného objektu a disponuje velkou škálou funkcí pro manipulaci a analýzu. Vstupní data modulu jsou tvořena sérií snímků, například ultrazvuku krční tepny. Dále se v mé práci zmiňuji o měřící technice fotogrammetrii, teoretickým podkladem provázející 3D modelování a problematikou spojenou s procesem vývoje nového modulu. Samotná implementace je realizována v jazyce Java s využitím knihovny Java3D. Cílem je také navrhnout uživatelskou příručku a programátorskou dokumentaci.In my master thesis, titled 3D Image Processing in System FOTOM NG, I deal with the implementation of a new module on the NetBeans platform, which will be attached into the FOTOM NG system. This module serves to create a 3D model of the observed object and has a large range of functions for manipulation and analyzing. Input data of the module are consists of series of images, such as ultrasound of carotid artery. Next, in this thesis I writting about photogrammetric measurment technique, theoretical basis for 3D modeling and issues associated with the developing process of a new module. The implementation itself is realized in Java with using of the Java3D library. I will design user guide and programming documentation.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Evaluation of properties of cast metal foams with irregular inner structure

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    Internal structure of metal foams is one of the most important factors that determine its mechanical properties. There exists a number of methods for studying the nature of the inner porous structure. Unfortunately most of these processes is destructive and therefore it is not possible to reuse the sample. From this point of view, as a suitable method seems to be the ability of using the so-called X-ray microtomography (also micro-CT). This is a non-destructive methodology used in a number of fields (industry, science, archaeology, medicine) for a description of the material distribution in the space (e.g. pores, fillers, defects, etc.). In principle, this technology works on different absorption of X-ray radiation by materials with changing proton number. The contribution was worked out in collaboration with experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and it is focused on the analysis of internal structure of the metal foam casting with irregular arrangement of internal pores by using micro-CT. The obtained data were evaluated in the commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and in the FOTOMNG system. For the evaluation of these data a new specialized module was introduced in this system. Several methods of pre-processing the image was prepared for the measurement. This preliminary processing consists, for example, from a binary image thresholding for better diversity between the internal porosity and the material itself or functions for colour inversion.Web of Science6341851184

    Monitoring of excessive deformation of steel structure Extra-High Voltage pylons

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    Reliability and security of a power transmission depends on the state of the power grid and mainly on the state of the Extra-High Voltage pylons. The paper deals with deformation analysis of existing steel structure of selected Extra-High Voltage pylons which showed excessive differences comparing to the original design. In the assessment of the situation, geodetic survey of selected pylons of power grid that showed the greatest deformation was performed. On taken images, deformation of steel structures by using the FOTOMNG system was also analyzed. The proposed method allows a modeling of the structure of the object based on precisely obtained photographic documentation of the current state. It also represents a very effective method which allows to quickly and efficiently analyze the deformation in the structure of Extra-High Voltage pylons in the critical position of the power grid. Other benefits include the possibility of repeatable and safe measurement.Web of Science62232932

    Pokročilé metody detekce steganografického obsahu

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    Steganography can be used for illegal activities. It is essential to be prepared. To detect steganography images, we have a counter-technique known as steganalysis. There are different steganalysis types, depending on if the original artifact (cover work) is known or not, or we know which algorithm was used for embedding. In terms of practical use, the most important are “blind steganalysis” methods that can be applied to image files because we do not have the original cover work for comparison. This philosophiæ doctor thesis describes the methodology to the issues of image steganalysis.In this work, it is crucial to understand the behavior of the targeted steganography algorithm. Then we can use it is weaknesses to increase the detection capability and success of categorization. We are primarily focusing on breaking the steganography algorithm OutGuess2.0. and secondary on breaking the F5 algorithm. We are analyzing the detector's ability, which utilizes a calibration process, blockiness calculation, and shallow neural network, to detect the presence of steganography message in the suspected image. The new approach and results are discussed in this Ph.D. thesis.Steganografie může být využita k nelegálním aktivitám. Proto je velmi důležité být připraven. K detekci steganografického obrázku máme k dispozici techniku známou jako stegoanalýza. Existují různé typy stegoanalýzy v závislosti na tom, zda je znám originální nosič nebo zdali víme, jaký byl použit algoritmus pro vložení tajné zprávy. Z hlediska praktického použití jsou nejdůležitější metody "slepé stagoanalýzy", které zle aplikovat na obrazové soubory a jelikož nemáme originální nosič pro srovnání. Tato doktorská práce popisuje metodologii obrazové stegoanalýzy. V této práci je důležité porozumět chování cíleného steganografického algoritmu. Pak můžeme využít jeho slabiny ke zvýšení detekční schopnosti a úspěšnosti kategorizace. Primárně se zaměřujeme na prolomení steganografického algoritmu OutGuess2.0 a sekundárně na algoritmus F5. Analyzujeme schopnost detektoru, který využívá proces kalibrace, výpočtu shlukování a mělkou neuronovou síť k detekci přítomnosti steganografické zprávy na podezřelém snímku. Nový přístup a výsledky jsou sepsány v této doktorské práci.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Sine inverter controller with 8 bit microcontroller

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    This article describes the design of a sine wave inverter control unit. We will define the basic principles and requirements to control and maintain a good quality of inverter's output. The solution that can achieve full 8 bit output resolution with 10 bit measurement and regulation time shorter than mains period is proposed. Furthermore, the possibilities and ways of implementing the control unit using the 8 bit microcontrollers are described, so it is possible to gain a complete understanding of this issue

    2D Animation Process Measurements

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    Import 03/08/2012V mé bakalářské práci, s názvem 2D animace procesu měření, se zabývám vytvářením nového modulu, který bude připojen do systému FOTOMNG. Modul bude sloužit ke 2D animacím sledovaných objektů, jako je například krční tepna na ultrazvukových snímcích. Tento modul bude implementován na platformě NetBeans v programovacím jazyce Java. Dále se v této práci krátce zmiňuji o fotogrammetrii, jakožto měřicí technice, o samotném systému FOTOMNG a řeším problematiku spojenou s tvorbou nového modulu. Na základě zadání mé bakalářské práce, bude mým úkolem vytvořit i uživatelskou příručku a programátorskou dokumentaci pro tento nový modul.In my bachelor thesis, titled 2D animation process measurement, I deal with creating a new module that will be attached into the FOTOMNG system. The modul will serve to 2D animations of monitored objects, such as the carotid artery in ultrasound images. This module will be implemented on the NetBeans Platform in the Java programming language. Next, in this work I writing about photogrammetry as a measurement technique, the FOTOMNG system itself and issues associated with creating a new module. I will create a user´s manual and programming documentation for the new module.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Taipei Performing Arts Center

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    Taipei Performing Arts Center

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    Monitoring of Excessive Deformation of Steel Structure Extra-High Voltage Pylons

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